Nov 24, 2022

It's the best hiring time, reach out to your opportunities

CGP Singapore office covers the middle and high-end human resources services in many industries, including Construction, Aerospace, Retail and Consumer, Financial Services, Healthcare and Life Science, IT,  Legal, Human Resource, Marketing and other functional fields.


In terms of industry, due to the closure of dormitory, laborsare forced to ssuspend wwork, and the Cconstruction industry and Mmanufacturing industry are most affected by the epidemic. It is expected that this situation will continue in the second quarter. In addition, the Aaviation industry faces huge challenges due to the decline in the number of global routes. Shutdown of shopping malls revealed a significant decline in the performance of the retail industry. While convenience stores and delivery services ushered in greater business opportunities.  


From a functional perspective, the recruitment of MRO (Maintain, Repair, Operations) related positions is mostly in a state of temporary freeze, while the front-end positions such as R&D are influencedlimitedly.


CGP co-founder and Asia-pacific managing Ddirector Sean Ng would like to share some of his advices to both clients and candidates.


Suggestions to Clients:

  1.     This is the best time to hire.
  1.     Don’t stop interview and recruiting during the pandemic.

Engage more with candidates, so you will find better employee in the market than your competitors.

  1.     Try to use 3D-video job description to share with candidates instead of 2D - paper JD,

As for better employer branding and culture delivering.


Suggestions to Candidates,During this special period, as candidates you can:

  1. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for job opportunities! Especially for senior candidates.
  2. Engage more with recruiters to achieve better self-awareness, and to clarify both short-term and long-term job target.
  3. Strengthen personal branding by creating stronger profile.
  4. Create video intro profile on social medias such as LinkedIn.
  5. Try to get internal job referrals from friends/ex-colleagues.
  6. Social Networking with people from your target industry, especially with headhunters from that industry.
  7. Upgrade your resume and improve key words for each experience. Many jobs sites and companies are using AI-matching technologies to screen CV, thus putting accurate keywords will help to improve penetration rate.
  8. Take advices when you need. Don’t be shy to listen to senior person’s career advices especially when you are young talents.
  9. Learn more about the job market and industry news. Talk to industry’s top recruiters for most updated information.
  10. Consider about flexible staffing instead of permanent positions. Adjust your expectation and make change according to the job market trends. Don’t rely too much on your previous salary. 

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